Dags att testa en Highland Park. Det blir en Highland Park 1998. Det är en utgåva som bara finns att köpa i taxfree butiker i en liters buteljer.
Highland Park är inte en Highland whisky även om namnet antyder det. Orsaken till namnet är att det vid staden Kirkwall, där Highland Park tillverkas, finns en höjd med en fin utsikt över de norra öarna. Höjden gick i folkmun under namnet Highland Park. Det var här som Magnus Eunson startade att producera whisky redan 1798. Läget var optimalt om man ville destillera illegalt och hålla god uppsikt efter excisemen (skattmas). Platsen hade även tillgång till bra vatten och mycket torv. Historier gör gällande att Magnus var en vaktmästare på kyrkan och gömde whiskyn under predikstolen. Men efter närmare granskning är det mer troligt att han var frontmannen för 'the Orkney Mafia'. När Highland Park började tillverkas legalt 1826 var Highland Park redan ett inarbetat namn på whiskyn. I samband med detta tog Robert Borwick över. 1895 sålde han destilleriet vidare till James Grant som lät installera två pannor till, 1898. 1935 köpte Highland Distilleries Co. Ltd destilleriet och det ägs i dag av Edrington Group, och har under de senaste åren vunnit ett flertal prestigefulla utmärkelser för sin whisky.
Deras vattenkälla är Cattie Maggie's Spring som ligger strax nedanför destilleriet. De köper 80% av sitt korn från Tamdhu och mältar själva de resterande 20%. Whiskyn har en ppm på cirka 20. Mäskkaret är av rostfritt stål. De 12 jäskaren är av oregon trä och rymmer 29.200 liter vardera. De som var stationerade på Orkney under andra världskriget använde dessa för att bada i!
Highland Park har två mäskpannor och två spritpannor som alla rymmer cirka 15.000 liter. De lagrar sin whisky på på bourbon och sherryfat. Det finns 25 lagerhus på området. Både gamla och nya. Deras årsproduktion ligger på cirka 1-2 miljoner liter. Highland Park ingår ett flertal olika blendedsorter. När whiskyn är färdig för buteljering skickas den till Drumchapel utanför Glasgow för buteljering.
Doft: Sherry, ek, vanilj, lätt sulfid doft, lite fikon och rök, frukt och druvor,
Med vatten: Mycket sherrydoft, mycket fatdoft, en frisk fruktig doften lätt rökighet i bakgrunden,
Med vatten: Mycket sherrydoft, mycket fatdoft, en frisk fruktig doften lätt rökighet i bakgrunden,
Doft: Kryddig, körsbär, ganska söt sherrysmak, mycket vanilj,
Med vatten: Mindre krydda, en fylligare sötma av lätt nektarkaraktär, lite karamellsmaker, mycket mildare och rundare, lakrits
Med vatten: Mindre krydda, en fylligare sötma av lätt nektarkaraktär, lite karamellsmaker, mycket mildare och rundare, lakrits
Finish: Rökig smak med en behaglig sötma, rom russin, lätt sälta, lätt ingefära.
Med vatten:Mer söt rök, lite kittlande krydda på tungan, mycket salmiak,
Med vatten:Mer söt rök, lite kittlande krydda på tungan, mycket salmiak,
Kommentar: En bra whisky som är riktigt prisvärd. Blir mycket bättre med en till två teskedar vatten.
Betyg: 88
Time to test a Highland Park. It will be a Highland Park 1998 It is an edition that is only available for purchase in duty free stores in one liter bottles.
Highland Park is not a Highland Whisky, although the name suggests it. The reason for the name is that, at the town of Kirkwall, where Highland Park is made, is a hill with a nice view of the northern islands. The height was popularly known as Highland Park. It was here that Magnus Eunson started to produce Whisky already 1798 Situation was optimal if you wanted to distill illegal and keep a close eye after the exorsist (TAX-COLLECTOR). The place also had access to good water and much peat. Stories claim that Magnus was a caretaker at the church and hid the whisky in pulpit. But after closer examination, it is more likely that he was the front man for 'the Orkney Mafia'. When Highland Park was first produced legally in 1826 was Highland Park is already an established name for the whisky. In this context, Robert Borwick took over. 1895 he sold the distillery to the James Grant, who had installed two boilers to, 1898. 1935 purchased the Highland Distilleries Co.. Ltd. distillery and it is now owned by the Edrington Group, and has in recent years won several prestigious awards for his Whisky.
Highland Park is not a Highland Whisky, although the name suggests it. The reason for the name is that, at the town of Kirkwall, where Highland Park is made, is a hill with a nice view of the northern islands. The height was popularly known as Highland Park. It was here that Magnus Eunson started to produce Whisky already 1798 Situation was optimal if you wanted to distill illegal and keep a close eye after the exorsist (TAX-COLLECTOR). The place also had access to good water and much peat. Stories claim that Magnus was a caretaker at the church and hid the whisky in pulpit. But after closer examination, it is more likely that he was the front man for 'the Orkney Mafia'. When Highland Park was first produced legally in 1826 was Highland Park is already an established name for the whisky. In this context, Robert Borwick took over. 1895 he sold the distillery to the James Grant, who had installed two boilers to, 1898. 1935 purchased the Highland Distilleries Co.. Ltd. distillery and it is now owned by the Edrington Group, and has in recent years won several prestigious awards for his Whisky.
Their water source is Catti Maggie's Spring is located just below the distillery. They buy 80% of its grain from Tamdhu and malted themselves the remaining 20%. The whisky has a ppm around 20. Mash tub is made of stainless steel. The 12 vats are of oregon timber and can hold 29,200 liters each. Those who were stationed on Orkney during World War II used these to bathe in!
Highland Park has two wash stills and two spirit stills, all holds about 15,000 liters. They store their whisky bourbon and sherry casks. There are 25 warehouses in the area. Both old and new. Their annual production is around 1-2 million gallons. Highland Park includes a variety of blended varieties. When the whisky is ready for bottling is sent to the Drum Chapel outside Glasgow for bottling.
Highland Park has two wash stills and two spirit stills, all holds about 15,000 liters. They store their whisky bourbon and sherry casks. There are 25 warehouses in the area. Both old and new. Their annual production is around 1-2 million gallons. Highland Park includes a variety of blended varieties. When the whisky is ready for bottling is sent to the Drum Chapel outside Glasgow for bottling.
Nose: Sherry, oak, vanilla, light sulfide odor, some figs and smoke, fruit and grapes
With water: Much sherry aroma, much barrel fragrance, a fresh fruity scent light smokiness in the background,
Nose: Spicy, cherry, pretty sweet sherry taste, much vanilla,
With water: Less spice, a fuller sweetness of light nectar character, a little sweet taste, much milder and rounder, licorice
Finish: Smoky flavor with a pleasant sweetness, rum raisin, slightly salty, slightly ginger.
With water: more sweet smoke, a little tickling spice on the tongue, very licorice,
Comment: A good whisky that is really affordable. Becomes much better with one to two teaspoons of water.
Score: 88