Eftersom det inte är kännt vilket detilleri som tillverkar denna whisky går spekulationerna höga och både den svenska leverantören och buteljeraren tiger som graven och hänvisar till ett avtal med det aktuella destilleriet om sekretess i frågan. Flest ledtrådar verkar peka mot att det är ung Lagavulin i flaskan (vilket jag personligen ställer mej tveksam till), medan kemiska analyser som har gjorts pekar på att det är en Bowmore.
Nu tar vi recensionen:
Doft: Rök, torv, hav, trä
Smak: Frisk, sälta, ekfat, torr, frukt, sherry
Eftersmak: torr, rökighet som sprider sig i munnen men denna blir betydligt kortare med vatten. Mycket fat smak efter att rökigheten försvinner (detta händer bara med vatten i).
Kommentar: OK whisky som är bäst utan vatten eller mycket lite vatten.
Betyg: 85
Pris: 355 kr på systembolaget
Today we take a short review. The Ileach means "man from Islay", and there is no doubt about which island this whisky comes from. The Ileach is no dessilleri although there is a single malt, but it is one of the distilleries on the island that makes this Whisky. It is bottled by the Highlands & Islands Scotch Whisky.
Since it is not known which distillery that makes this Whisky is speculation high and both the Swedish supplier and bottler _are silent as the grave, and refers to a contract with the current distillery on secrecy in the matter. Most clues seem to point to that it is a young Lagavulin in the bottle (which personally makes me doubtful), while chemical analysis has been done indicates that it is a Bowmore.
Now we review:
Nose: Smoke, peat, sea, wood
Palate: Fresh, salt, oak, dry fruits, sherry
Finish: dry, smokiness that spreads in the mouth but this is much shorter with water. Very barrel taste after smoky unit disappears (this happens only with water).
Comment: OK, Whisky is best without water or very little water.
Score: 85
Since it is not known which distillery that makes this Whisky is speculation high and both the Swedish supplier and bottler _are silent as the grave, and refers to a contract with the current distillery on secrecy in the matter. Most clues seem to point to that it is a young Lagavulin in the bottle (which personally makes me doubtful), while chemical analysis has been done indicates that it is a Bowmore.
Now we review:
Nose: Smoke, peat, sea, wood
Palate: Fresh, salt, oak, dry fruits, sherry
Finish: dry, smokiness that spreads in the mouth but this is much shorter with water. Very barrel taste after smoky unit disappears (this happens only with water).
Comment: OK, Whisky is best without water or very little water.
Score: 85
Måste vara nåt som gått fel i processen eftersom man inte vill stå för produkten. Bortkastade pengar enligt min uppfattning. Torsby-dricka är bättre.
SvaraRaderatycker att det är en bra Islay att ha till vardags förmodligen från bowmore prisvärd!