Resultatet blev en deluxe blend av Laphroaig, Glen Grant och The Glenlivet. Innan den dåvarande Lord Margadale fällde det slutgiltiga avgörandet kände sig Ian Hunter tvingad att varna Lord Margadale att whiskyn han skulle smaka kunde få honom att hamna ”in a fog”. Lord Margadale smakade på whiskyn och utbröt glädjefullt. ”No Ian, not a fog. A mist, Islay Mist” och namnet var givet.
Nu till recensionen:
Doft: Fruktig, lätt hav och en bakomliggande sherrydoft och lätt rök.
Med vatten: Betydligt rökigare och oljigare nästan lite petroleumdoft. Lätt sjögräs, Mer stickande.
Smak: Citrus, sherry mycket sherry, lätt sälta och friskhet.
Med vatten: sötare, mer citrus (mandarin?) en lätt rökighet som är lite vass som på ung Islaymalt.
Eftersmak: Frisk och lite lätt lätt kryddig och en lätt rökighet kommer också efter en stund tillsammans med en kvardröjande sherrysmak. Ganska lång eftersmak.
Med vatten: mer Kryddig, och söt men försvinner fort. Kort eftersmak.
Kommentar: Hyfsad blend som passar bättre utan vatten. Inget som lyfter till stjärnorna men passar bra som vardagswhisky. Måste nog höja den något efter att flaskan tömts något och drycken fått kontakt med luft. Betydligt bättre än den var nyöppnad.
Betyg: 86
Pris: 127 kr för halvbutelj och 239 kr för helbutelj på systembolaget
Islay Mist was created in 1928 to John Granville Morrison, the future Lord Margaret Dale, 21-year celebration held at the family'sgoods, Islay House. Obviously, Whisky are served, but the Islay malt Laphroaig was a bit too substantial to suit all guests tastes. It was Ian Hunter at Laphroaig Distillery, which was commissioned to create the whisky that was served at the party. The instructionswere to create a character full whisky, which was soft enough that the young ladies would appreciate it. This without the strong Islaytaste was lost. Not a fog, a mist, Islay Mist.
The result was a deluxe blend of Laphroaig, Glen Grant and The Glenlivet. Before the then Lord Margaret Dale dropped the final determination felt Ian Hunter compelled to warn Lord Margaret Dale of whisky he would taste could get him to go "in a fog." LordMargaret Dale tasted the whisky and broke out joyously. "No Ian, not a fog, A mist, Islay Mist "and the name was given.
The result was a deluxe blend of Laphroaig, Glen Grant and The Glenlivet. Before the then Lord Margaret Dale dropped the final determination felt Ian Hunter compelled to warn Lord Margaret Dale of whisky he would taste could get him to go "in a fog." LordMargaret Dale tasted the whisky and broke out joyously. "No Ian, not a fog, A mist, Islay Mist "and the name was given.
Now to the review:
Nose: Fruity, light sea and an underlying sherry aroma and light smoke.
With water: Much smokier and oily almost a bit petroleum scent. Light seaweeds, more pungent.
Nose: Fruity, light sea and an underlying sherry aroma and light smoke.
With water: Much smokier and oily almost a bit petroleum scent. Light seaweeds, more pungent.
Palate: Citrus, sherry, very much sherry, light saltiness and freshness.
With water: sweeter, more citrus (mandarin?) A light smokiness that is a little sharp as in young Islay malt.
With water: sweeter, more citrus (mandarin?) A light smokiness that is a little sharp as in young Islay malt.
Finish: Fresh and lightly spicy and after a while a slight smokiness with a lingering taste of sherry. Quite a long finish.
With water: more spicy, and sweet, but disappears quickly. Short finish.
With water: more spicy, and sweet, but disappears quickly. Short finish.
Comment: Decent blend that suits better without water. Nothing that brings you to the stars but is suitable as everyday Whisky. Mustprobably raise it slightly after the bottle been emptied slightly and the whisky made contact with air. Much better than it was newly opened.
Score: 86
Score: 86
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