Vattnet som används är mjukt och svagt torvsmakande tas från underjordiska källor (ca 150m). Kylvattnet kommer från närliggande floden Spey. Deras korntyp är Golden Promise som anses vara det finaste kornet. De får det färdigmältat från ett centralt mälteri.
Nu recensionen:
Doft: Sherry, ek, lätt nöt, blommig, citrus, rosenblom
Efter vatten: Sötare, ännu mer sherry, fruktig, ingen citrus,
Smak: kryddig, mycket fat, pepprig,
Efter vatten: Sträv fatkaraktär, ganska menlös, samma som ovan fast mindre,
Eftersmak: cilli, strävhet från fat, päron,
Med vatten: strävare, torrare mindre krydda,
Kommentar: medelmåttig, lyfter inte alls.
Betyg: 81
Pris: 489 på systembolaget
The distillery was founded in 1824 by Alexander Reid. Its main characteristic is that the whisky only been stored in sherry casks (Jerez from Spain). It was not until the late 1970's as they began to sell it as a single malt whisky!
The water used is soft and weak turf tasting taken from underground sources (about 150m). The cooling water comes from the nearby River Spey. Their type of barley is Golden Promise, which is considered the finest grain. They get it malted from a central malting.
All boilers are of the onion model and has sharply sloping lynearms which are said to contribute to a more powerful and richer Whisky. The raw liquor is then passed from the Still House through pipes down to the Filling Store which is located about 50 meters away. Alcohol strength watted down with local water from 74% to 68.5% before storing in barrels.
Now the review:
Nose: Sherry, oak, light nut, floral, citrus, rose flower
After Water: Sweeter, more sherry, fruity, no citrus,
After Water: Sweeter, more sherry, fruity, no citrus,
Palate: spicy, a lot of barreltaste, peppery,
After water: Rough barrel character, rather bland, same as above but smaller,
Finish: cilli, roughness of the barreltaste, pear,
With water: harsher, drier less spice,
Comment: mediocre, does not lift at all.
Score: 81
After water: Rough barrel character, rather bland, same as above but smaller,
Finish: cilli, roughness of the barreltaste, pear,
With water: harsher, drier less spice,
Comment: mediocre, does not lift at all.
Score: 81
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